Words Simon Paterson Images: Heathcotes Group

Hosted by the hugely talented Les Morgan the Heathcotes Group talent show was an afternoon of first-class entertainment for all.
Held at Hasland Village Hall on Good Friday, the event showcased a plethora of local talent, all of which were service users at one of the Heathcotes Group Facilities.
I witnessed some great performances including a reggae dance, a keyboardist, renditions of Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Tom Jones and even S Club 7!

The energy in the room was infectious with every single audience member clapping and cheering each performer as they wowed the crowd with their talents and skills.
The joy such an event brings to not only the service users but to the whole community is priceless. Jade Lister Co-production Chairman and guest judge had this say, "it is very important for service users to get their voices heard. I also like to see every single service user happy, and they all made me proud at the talent show. When everyone is happy, I am happy."

Eight months ago, Heathcotes Allstars was born and has provided people with an opportunity to build confidence and talk about the things that really matter to them so that they shape the support people receive.
"The Allstars worked together to put on the event and wanted to involve people within the community so they could make new friendships and share their talents. It was a fantastic day and wonderful to see people shine," says Keeley Denman, Quality Experience and Co-Production Lead.

We can’t write about a talent show without mentioning the winners, although the real winners were everyone involved.
In third place was Daniel Flowers, 2nd place went to Carrington Park and first place went to Aimee Downey. Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who performed on the day, thank you, I really enjoyed it. A big thanks to the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, Tony and Sharon Rodgers for presenting the awards on the day.
I hope to be invited back next year!