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Writer's pictureChesterfield Local


Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Like most of the UK population 2020 really took its toll on our family mentally, financially, and physically. From the magazine being paused, lockdowns imposed and COVID cases in the family, it hasn't been easy, for any of us...

With the impact, COVID-19 has had on us all it's easy to overlook all the good that has been going on in the world and how we have all pulled together, not only as a town, but as a nation.

As the vaccine rolls out, and we look to the future with a renewed hope, I thought now would be the perfect time to reflect on the very best of humanity over the last 12 months.

So, here are my top positive 2020 news stories.

Captain Sir Tom Moore: At the tender age of 99, Captain Tom began walking laps of his garden in an attempt to raise £1000 for the NHS. Sir Tom instantly won the hearts of the nation resulting in him raising over 38 million pounds!

The weekly claps: We were all reminded just how important the NHS is and how fortunate we are to have it. As a show of appreciation, the nation stood on their doorsteps and clapped their hearts out every Thursday for the heroes of the NHS.

Birthdays: Birthdays became less about presents and more about creative ways to connect with loved ones, reminding us that the most important things in life are friends and family.

Music: Musicians used social media to give us personal, at-home concerts, raising money for their chosen charities.

Joe Wicks: The positivity juggernaut that is Joe Wicks took up the mantle of P.E. Teacher keeping the nation healthy with his daily fitness class on YouTube

Environment: Renewable energy had a record year with the UK setting records for going without coal-fired energy for the longest time since the industrial revolution. Pollution was vastly reduced having a positive impact the world over.

Shop local: The residents of Chesterfield pulled together to 'shop local' and have become more mindful of where they spend their money and the positive impact it can have on our local economy

Shining a light on all the kindness, compassion, and resilience we possess as a nation has had a positive impact on my mindset and my outlook for 2021. I hope it does the same for you.

Peace, love, and positivity


Words: Simon Paterson


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