Words: Paul Chapman
Images: Fresh Start
Widening your group of friends when you're 50+ is never easy. If you are at a loose end, want company, or are looking for a new interest or challenge, why not join Fresh Start where you will be made very welcome.
Feel like attending one of their activities and get togethers which include a Monday Social evening every week where they plan events, chat and have a laugh?

"We are a social group, members are made up of single men and women of all ages, it’s… it’s definitely not a dating organisation! It’s about friendship, having a night out together and social outings and trips etc” adds Cynthia from Fresh Start.
"Members enjoy a range of activities including, walking, theatre visits, badminton, cinema, meals out, ten pin bowling, pitch and put, knit and knatter and crown green bowling. Whatever your interests, we are always open to new ideas to add to our program of events.

"All single people are welcome, and although a few people have found romance, our main aim is to make friends and enjoy a more varied social life. Members receive a regular update about planned events - it's up to you how many you choose."

With a membership of around 70 people from areas across Chesterfield they always look forward to welcoming new members, so if you’re looking for an excuse to get out and about, Fresh Start can provide it.
Interested in going along, call Rose 01246 461499, Cynthia 0776 6618824 or Rodney on 07887 794455.