Words: Paul Chapman Images: Unhampered Chesterfield

At the start of lockdown a conversation took place between three of Chesterfield's independent businesses who have a passion for our town, S40 & S41 Local and Defeye Creative. The result was Unhampered.

The first phase was an online directory of Chesterfield’s fabulous independent businesses, the shops, restaurants, food suppliers and so much more, all in one place. As with designers they weren't happy with v1, or v2, and recently the whole site has been updated and, I know I'm biased, but v3 now looks even better.
Take a look at the new site, QR code below to make it nice and easy, it seems strange how we have COVID to thank for introducing people to QR codes! Anyway, if you’ve not checked it out, please do, and use it to find a new local business. Step away from those large corporates and give some love to the small guys.

Our social media presence has seen people following our Facebook and Instagram pages and if you've not yet done so please pop across and give us a follow and a like.
'Indie £50' is our new giveaway, £50 to spend with any one of our founder members who are shown on the page opposite ... the number of founder members is growing daily so you can be sure there'll be something you'll enjoy.

To enter the competition - when you next spend some money with any business that has a business listing on the Unhampered site, take a piccy, post it on Insta or Facebook and tag #unhampered, oh and you'll need to ensure you follow us on socials. We'll select a winning pic, at random at the end of June and arrange spending with the founder member business of your choice! Simple.
Last year we ran a ‘Fancy a round on us?’ giveaway, that saw Ellie enjoying £50 behind the bar at The Junction.

Be sure to follow us on socials as we'll be doing all sorts over the next few months.
It's been great to be part of the Unhampered journey and the whole team have a real passion for small independent businesses and we'll be doing all we can to support them and encourage you to do the same.
Go on, step through the door of small business you've not tried before, I'm sure you'll end up loving it.

I'd like to say a massive 'thank you' to our founder members, they're all shown on the opposite page. These are all businesses who have financially supported the first phase of the project and we have a few more almost signed up and have a few spaces left if you're interested!
Stay in touch with what we’re up to and don't forget to give is a follow.
Until next time.
The Unhampered Team.
